My Blueprint for SEO: Part II

My Blueprint for SEO: Part II

In the last installment, I focused on the number one starting point for any SEO project: Keyword Research. In the second part of the SEO revellation I will present the second thing that every SEO should be focusing on. My Blueprint for SEO Part 2: Meta Tags Any...
New 3D Interfaces are Coming

New 3D Interfaces are Coming

A new genration of Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) are cropping up and the potential applications of these new types of user interfaces are pretty cool. Check out this demo of the periodic table of elements where you can choose between 4 different 3D representations....
A Vote for Ketchup on Hotdogs

A Vote for Ketchup on Hotdogs

Believe it or not, there are hotdog purists out there that think putting ketchup on a hotdog is blasphemy. Mustard is fine, as is saurkraut (yuck!), peppers, tomatoes, celery salt, chili, sour cream, etc. So why do people hate the idea of ketchup on hotdogs so much? A...