Operation BBQ Relief Helps Feed Moore, Oklahoma

May 23, 2013Cooking, News0 comments

Operation BBQ Relief is a great organization that has been helping feed residents of Moore, Oklahoma after the terrible tornado that leveled the town earlier this week.

In case you haven’t heard yet, the tornado was an EF5 and was 1.3 miles wide lasting 45 minutes. It took the lives of at least 24 people and destroyed 2,400 houses. Some 10,000 people are thought to be affected. With a price tag of an estimated $1Billion, the citizens of Oklahoma need everyone’s help.

That’s where you come in! If every American pitched in just $3, that would generate almost $1Billion.

One of the biggest immediate needs is food for the survivors that have lost everything. Operation BBQ Relief has a volunteer team of cooks that have brought their mobile kitchens to Moore to provide meals for citizens, first responders, firemen, and police officers. Please help spread the word and donate to their great cause.

Of course, there are other organizations helping the victims so if you don’t donate to Operation BBQ Relief, please consider a donation to your favorite charity helping the victims.

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